Monday, September 28, 2015

More Things in Heaven and Earth by Jeff High

This was a delightful book to read. What a treat. And it is only the first in a series. Good, because I do not want to be finished with Watervalley.

Watervalley is a small town in Tennessee. That's where Luke Bradford, fresh with his MD, decides to practice. He'd rather do research but his loans have to be paid and the town needed a doctor.

This is a great novel of a newcomer in a small southern town. He doesn't get off to such a good start when he enters the town. He has an unexpected escort from the sheriff. Luke is so startled he drops the beer bottle he was holding, beer splashing all over him. He thinks he can grab his bag in the back and change his pants. But when the sheriff opens his door, well, there is Luke, in his boxer shorts.

With that the novel is off to a great start and continues to be entertaining. Luke is a good main character but its the citizens of the town that make the novel great. They are like all people in a small town. They each have their quirks and Luke ends up having to deal with them. Luke wonders if one particular woman was weaned on pickle juice.

High has a way with words. He is a master at crafting sentences that draw the reader right into the scene. The novel was a delight to read.

For my regular blog readers, I would not classify this as a “Christian” book, although there are church scenes and some godly people in the book. There is a little mild swearing and some intense alcohol drinking. I found nothing offensive as it all seemed to fit the characters in the story.

You can go to to find out more about the books, what the doctor is up to, and get some great recipes.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jeff High grew up in rural Tennessee. He has degrees in literature and nursing and is a three time published winner, in poetry and fiction. He now lives in his hometown, near where he works as an operating room RN in cardiac surgery.

Penguin Books, 368 pages.

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