Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Perfect Cast by T. K. Chapin

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This novel is a good young adult romance, suitable for high school age.

Jess, an angry eighteen year old, is our main character. She and her younger brother are being “dumped” for the summer at their grandfather's farm near Spokane. She is not excited. No Internet. No cable. It is going to be a terrible summer.

Roy is the godly grandfather. He is still grieving over the loss of his wife of so many decades. He is getting more fragile, having periodic chest pains. But he doesn't let on. He just keeps going.

Levi is the young man from a near farm who helps Roy with the farming tasks. When he sees Jess, he likes her a great deal. And Jess likes him. Perhaps the summer won't be so terrible after all.

So this is a summer romance book about teenage love. Jess and Levi do have troubles as Jess gets swept off her feet by another fellow and Levi goes to Nashville to audition and try to make it as a country singer. And to make matter worse, Jess' father comes on the scene. Roy doesn't like him, and he has good reason.

I think this would be a good teenage novel. It has strong Christian themes. Chapin has captured well the hurt and anger Jess expresses because of her parents breaking up. Jess sort of comes of age during this summer. She experiences love and disappointment and comes through a better person in the end. My favorite character was Jess' younger brother, Henry. He is a great young man, wise beyond his years.

The ending of the book goes really fast with much happening quickly and kind of out of the blue. The earlier pace of the novel was slower so the end seems out of the style of the rest of the book. Readers will see the characters develop positive traits rather quickly as the book closes out.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

T. K. Chapin writes Christian romance books designed to tug at the heart strings. The majority of his novels take place in and around Spokane, Washington, his hometown. He and his wife and their daughter live in the Pacific Northwest. You can find out more at

Branch Publishing, 266 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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