Friday, October 23, 2015

Identity Thief by Robby Dawkins

Dawkins is concerned that Christians are being duped by the identity thief. I think this book was misnamed. Something like Power Thief would have better described its content. In the end, he writes about the authority we have because we know Jesus, not about our righteousness nor the fruit of the Spirit. This book is not a study of our identity in Christ. It is about how the Thief has stolen our understanding of the power and authority we have in Christ. “I believe that as children of God, we can expect to walk in power and experience miracles on a constant basis.” The Thief has stolen that knowledge.

Dawkins tells lots of stories to illustrate his concern. Many of the stories are about those who have forgotten who they are in Christ. Many of these stories are about pastors who have gone astray. The other stories are about the author, his children, and others who have evidenced their faith in the authority and power they have in Christ. The book is a collection of stories illustrating his concern, not a Scriptural investigation into our identity in Christ.

If you want to read encouraging stories of people who exercised their spiritual authority, and heartbreaking stories of those who didn't, you will like this book. If you want to obtain a biblical strategy for battling the mind schemes the Thief employs, you will have to look elsewhere.

Dawkins encourages us to know the identity and birthright we have in Christ. He emphasizes the aspect of our being told to heal the sick and raise the dead. He encourages us to protect ourselves from the deceit and trickery of the Thief. We must do that by exercising our faith in what God says is true of us. The actual strategy is left up to us.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Robby Dawkins and his wife have been married twenty years and have six sons. He served as youth pastor for twelve years before planting a Vineyard church in Aurora, Illinois. He is a popular international speaker on power evangelism. He has been featured is many films and documentaries. You can find out more at (Photo © Laura Gravelle Photography)

Chosen Books, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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