Monday, October 5, 2015

The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry

This is a WW II novel with a captivating twist. I really liked it.

Roger Greene was shot down over Nazi Germany in 1943. He was taken prisoner and became part of a bazaar experiment. Called the Methuselah Project, an eccentric scientist injected Roger and six others with chemicals and submitted them to treatments.

Roger was the only one who survived. He's lived for decades in a basement cell. And he has never aged. He's been lied to by his caretakers and believes the war is still going on, although at somewhat of a stalemate. The only thing that has kept him from going crazy is the Bible he reads.

After some 70 years of captivity, one of his caretakers turns sympathetic and
there is a chance for an escape. But could he ever be free or would the organization holding him captive hunt him until they could take him out? And when he meets a woman who offers to help him, how does he know he can even trust her?

This is great fiction. We have bazaar experiments going on in the last months of the Nazi regime. We have a secret organization of Nazi war survivors who hid their experiments, and Roger, from the Allies. That organization continues today with nefarious intentions and operatives in several countries. And Roger, even if he could escape and get free, how could he ever convince anyone he was nearly a hundred years old, looking like a young man?

The characters are well done. Roger is a well crafted guy out of the forties. He talks like one and acts like one. The gal he meets is a well crafted character too. She is a little naive about the secret organization her uncle has convinced her to join, but she has a good heart.

There is lots of action in the novel. I liked the way the plot developed, as the narrative goes back and forth from WW II to today. Barry has made a conspiracy organization and a bazaar experiment into a believable and very readable story. I highly recommend it.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Rick Barry is the author of a previous WW II novel and over 200 articles and fiction stories. He is the director of church planting ministries at BIEM, a Christian ministry operating in Eastern Europe. He lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can find out more at

Kregel Publications, 312 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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