Monday, November 16, 2015

Deadlock by DiAnn Mills

In this FBI Houston novel, two Special Agents, Bethany Sanchez and Thatcher Graves, try to catch a serial killer.

This novel did not grab me like some others by Mills. I did not find Sanchez a character I liked. She has come over from the civil rights division and is now on her first case in violent crimes with Graves. She is a “by the book” person, making spread sheets of clues. He is more of an intuitive guy, with a degree in psychology and previously having a counseling practice. The two get off to a rough start.

Sanchez has a troubled brother. Graves had once arrested him and another time Sanchez herself got him arrested. He is now out of prison and is harassing her. Her parents support the brother and have practically disowned her. The family dynamics are a big distraction to her work and I felt a distraction from what could be an intense novel.

Sanchez is not a strong heroine. She is unsure of herself and makes mistakes, including a really dumb one at the end. I just did not like her as a character in an FBI thriller. She is not the strong FBI agent I'd love to see.

The plot was very convoluted with mentally unstable villains and lots of coincidences. There is some suspense but most of the book consisted of discussing the case. There is a budding romance between Sanchez and Graves, something that seems a little out of character for both of them. There was nothing special about the dialog, no clever wit nor memorable phrases. Also, I felt the ending of the novel was a little to easy with everything wrapping up too neatly.

This may not be Mills' best but I'll keep looking forward to her next novel.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author whose novels have won two Christy Awards and been finalists for several others. She and her husband live in Houston. You can find out more at

Tyndale house, 416 pages.

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