Friday, November 20, 2015

Proverbs Prayers by John Mason

Reading the Bible is an important part of a Christian's spiritual growth. I know that many of you read through the book of Proverbs each month, a chapter a day. But what about actually praying the words you read?

Mason felt the Lord challenging him to do that very thing several years ago. As he did, the Word came alive to him and he began to see good changes in his life.

Mason has written this book to help you pray through Proverbs too. In thirty-one days you will have read through each chapter of Proverbs and prayed a corresponding prayer.

As I have gone through this book, praying through each chapter in Proverbs, I have been inspired, convicted, challenged, and more. This has been an amazing experience.

Here are a few of the prayers:
Lord, I choose to listen to Your wisdom today.”
Lord, help me walk with good people and stay on the right path today.”
Today I choose to trust You with all of my heart and not depend on my own understanding.”
Lord, keep me from saying deceptive and vulgar words.”
Are there any areas of laziness in my life, Lord? Please reveal them to me.”
Lord, I want to keep Your Word and capture Your commandments deep within my heart today.”

And that is just from the first week!

Praying through the Proverbs is a great reminder of who God is and what He desires from us. “Teach me to love instruction and knowledge today, Lord.” “Help me to avoid saying things that might hurt other people.” It is also great encouragement. “Thank You, Father, that Your truth always outlives a lie. A lie may win in the short run, but it never lasts long because truth endures forever.”

I found this book to be a good example of the practice of praying Scripture. If you have had difficulty understanding how that discipline works, this book will really help you.

Mason ends his book with a list of Proverbs Principles. He includes topics like anger, discipline, friends, humility, laziness, patience, trust, and many more. He gives the verse from Proverbs and then a short teaching. This is a great help for concentrating on a particular subject.

I highly recommend this book. At the end of thirty-one days, says Mason, wisdom will be your friend. You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

John Mason is a minister, coach, noted speaker, and author with over 1.6 million copies of his books in print. He is the founder and president of Insight International, an organization dedicated to helping people reach their dreams and fulfill their destiny. He and his wife live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Learn more about him at

Revell, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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