Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Comeback by Louie Giglio

Adversity will come, whether it be from our own decisions or unforeseen circumstances. Giglio wants us to know a sovereign God sits above the fray and that His plans will prevail.

God is in the business of giving fresh starts to people. God sees our needs. He has good in mind for us. Difficult circumstances do not always have the final say in our lives. Yet, Giglio knows that problems won't always be solved. God offers His presence and in that a deeper solution is found. The solution is not our trying harder but in a relationship with Jesus

Giglio draws many lessons from biblical stories and his own experiences. We learn from Joseph, for example, that our story is part of God's story. We learn from Samson that it is never too late and we are never too far gone. We learn from Lazarus that it may not work out the way we had planned.

While God is in control of our comeback, we do need to acknowledge our condition and submit ourselves to Him. Once we have done that, God is able to restore us by His grace. Then we must respond - get up and get going.

Giglio realizes there are times when there won't be a comeback, like in the death of a spouse. Not every story has a happy conclusion on this side of eternity. And we may never know the “why.” But we do have Jesus and He can become enough for us.

This is a good book of encouragement for those who feel in the midst of a storm. Giglio offers help and encouragement from biblical stories and helps us see the bigger picture. The biblical stories Giglio uses are retold in detail so this would be a good book for those not familiar with the Bible.

Food for thought: “The story is never just about you and me; it's always about God's glory and his work on planet earth.”

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Louie Giglio is the visionary architect and director of the Passion Movement, which includes the collegiate gatherings of Passion Conferences, Atlanta-based Passion City Church, and Capitol CMG label partner sixsteprecords. He is the author of previous books and a DVD series. He has a master's degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife live in Atlanta, Georgia.

Thomas Nelson, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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