Monday, December 21, 2015

The Proposal by Becky Wade

This is a short yet delightful read. It appears to be part of a full length story but is rewarding in itself.

Amber's experience is a romantic dream. But it doesn't start out that way. The guy she's been dating for a while, a hunk of a fireman and single parent like she was, had left his cell phone at her house. Her mission to deliver it to him turns into an unwelcome situation as she has a tire blowout. She decides to walk the mile to the fire station even though it is a dark, cold, and wet evening. Amber braves potential kidnapping and other dire happenings. When she finally arrives at the station, cold and wet, she has the surprise of her life.

Are there men really as romantically inclined as Amber's boyfriend? I certainly hope so.

Wade has done a good job filling in the story line through the thoughts of Amber as she trudges along in the dark and wet. We finish the story with a good feeling of reconciliation, forgiveness, and new beginnings because of God's grace and mercy.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Becky Wade has authored several novels, and is a Carol Award, INSPY Award, and Inspirational Reader's Choice Award winner. She and her husband live in Texas. You can find out more at

Bethany House Publishers, about 30 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this short story from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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