Friday, December 18, 2015

Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez

Ramirez wants us to understand the role of Satan in the world. He knows whereof he writes as he was the third highest ranked priest in a Satanic cult in New York City before he had a miraculous encounter with Jesus. He told his story in Out of the Devil's Cauldron.

He's been in the enemy's camp. He knows how to combat the enemy's tactics. He writes about the ways the devil tries to invade our lives, the reality of spiritual warfare, and what it means to really be a soldier of the cross.

The primary avenue of attack is the mind. The devil knows that if he can capture that he has a stronghold. He will then go after the will and emotions. Ramirez reveals the devil's strategies and doorways we are to stay away from. Temptation and deception are the devil's favorite tools. We need to know who we are in Christ and be firm in that identity, not allowing Satan to steal it.

I was surprised at this insight: The number one tactic the devil uses to create strongholds is to convince one that their sin is under control – they could quit any time.

Ramirez writes that it is important to be able to distinguish the voice of God and the voice of the devil and he helps us do that. He also identifies spirits that are deployed to bring down ministries.

He encourages us to engage in spiritual warfare but also urges caution. “For we believers to win the war, we must discern the battle before we engage.” (59) “It is important for us to pray and hear from God before we make any moves, anywhere.” (28)

Ramirez has included practical suggestions and techniques for spiritual warfare. He has many prayers that readers can use in the warfare, including those for obtaining one's own spiritual freedom.

Spiritual warfare is something I have not heard a sermon on in years. It's time for the church to wake up, Ramirez writes. This is a great book, based on personal experience and Scripture, to help Christians understand the war and engage the enemy. It is practical yet cautions against hasty engagement.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

John Ramirez is an international evangelist, author, and international speaker. You can find out more at

Destiny Image, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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