Sunday, January 17, 2016

Defying Normal by Skip Heitzig

Heitzig wants us to rise above the mundane and defy what is popularly described as normal. He gleans principles from the life of Daniel to encourage us to do so.

Daniel is a role model for people who desire to be a counter-cultural force in a hostile political structure. Heitzig has identified eight characteristics that allowed Daniel to defy the normal of his day: self-control, faith, humility, integrity, dependence, courage, hope, and balance. Each of these qualities is explored in depth as Heitzig encourages us to develop the kind of character Daniel had.

This book is more than just theory. Heitzig wants us to apply these characteristics so he gives us prompts at the end of each chapter. The first ones are invitations to think about the points he has made in the chapter – deliberate. He then gives invitations to actually apply the principles to our lives – defy normal.

Heitzig explores a few other topics in the book too. I like his teaching on prayer. He uses the example of Daniel to identify the four fold strand of humble adoration, honest confession, heart felt petition, and holy motivation. Another aspect of this teaching I really liked was identification of what to pray for in the face of spiritual warfare.

The background story of how Daniel arrived in Babylon is given so this would be a good book for those unfamiliar with the story. This is a good all around book to help Christians live life with integrity in an adverse situation. The application sections at the end of each chapter make this a good book for individual or group use. I highly recommend this book to those desiring to rise above the normal of this day and live their Christian life with integrity.

You can find out more about the book here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Skip Heitzig served under Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa until 1981. He then founded Calvary Albuquerque, which today ministers to 15,000 people. He has authored over two dozen books. He and his wife have been married over thirty years and live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Find out more at

Worthy Publishing, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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