Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Philippians: Discovering Joy Through Relationship by Sue Edwards

There are a couple aspects of this Bible study I really like. The first relates to the whole Discover Together Bible Study series. The amount of time an individual can put into the study is varied. There is a basic level of participation that takes about fifteen minutes a day. For those who have more time and want to dig deeper, there are additional questions and resources exploring additional theological issues. Regardless of how busy one is, there is a level of study and participation that will work.

What I like about this particular study on Philippians is the emphasis on relationships. Edwards focuses on Paul's strong relationship with God and his deep friendship with the Philippians. She highlights the need for face-to-face community in this age of technology.

Edwards deals with issues of personal spiritual growth as well. For example, she notes that in Phil. 3:12-13 Paul is very open about his own limitations and inadequacies. She asks us if we struggle to admit ours. That could lead to a great discussion in a trusted group of friends.

There are lots of application questions in this study, taking Scripture and applying it to everyday life. There are questions like, “How can you act on this?” There are lots of good discussion and reflection questions too.

This study can be used on an individual basis or in a group. Group leaders can download a free guide to aid in leading. There are short videos to watch, linked with a QR code (or accessed at the study website). There are verses that can be memorized too.

This is a great eight week study reminding us of our need for community, using Paul as an example. You can find out more about the entire series here. You can watch a sample video from the Philippians series here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Sue Edwards is associate professor of Christian education with a specialization in women's studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. She has more than thirty years of experience as a Bible teacher, curriculum writer, and overseer of women's ministries. She has a D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She and her husband have two married daughters and five grandchildren. You can find out more about her here.

Kregel Publications, 80 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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