Friday, January 29, 2016

Shadows in the Moonlight, Episode 8 In The President's Service by Ace Collins

This is the eighth episode if In The President's Service. Stickland tries to find out why Hitler is so interested in Nigel Armstrong. He is a man of mystery and when a German bomb goes off near where he is being held, Armstrong disappears.

Helen Meeker is lamenting the death of many of her teammates when her sister arrives with a new assignment. Four people have been kidnapped. Each of them had polio and had spent time at Warm Springs getting treatment. Was this some how connected to the president and his time spent there for his polio treatment?

I continue to enjoy this series. Collins is great at getting the dialog, clothing description, etc., perfect for the time period. I also like there were a couple of interesting side issues in this episode. They included a discussion of whether some illness or tragedy might be a result of a judgment on a person's sin, and whether it was morally right to save lives by committing a sin. This was a question many faced during the war. “Is it mortally right to break a commandment or two to bring down a monster?” (127)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Ace Collins has written more than sixty books, including several best sellers. He lives in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

Elk Lake Publishing, 140 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this episode through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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