Friday, January 22, 2016

The Ladybug Buddies Incredible Skydiving Adventure by Jason Graham illustrated by Brian Beausoleil

This is a delightful story about two ladybugs who learn what it means to be buddies. They hang out at Buddy's Pop Shop. They love the root beer made right there in the shop. They learn from some customers that buddies do cool things together. They hitch a ride on a couple of fellows who are going skydiving. They have quite an adventure! When they are finally back to Buddy's Pop Shop enjoying some cold root beer, Buddy Two hopes their adventures are over. Then he notices Buddy One staring at the motorcycles outside.

What a fun story with great illustrations. I liked how the ladybugs learned lessons on their adventure, like overcoming fear, never giving up, and what it means to stick with your buddy. It's a cute story for children. I recommend it. 

(Illustration copyright Brian Beausoleil.)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jason Graham had a career in the Coast Guard and knows about buddies. These adventures began as stories he told his five children. He is also a Wilderness Expert at the Wilderness School Institute, and a contributor to their popular Backpack Survival Guides. You can learn more at
Brian Beausoleil has a master's level in fine art and illustration and studied under a former Disney animator.He has been painting professionally for over thirty years. You can find out more at

Summers Island Press, 44 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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