Sunday, February 7, 2016

Come Empty by Saundra Dalton-Smith

We all experience pain, especially the emotional and spiritual kind that can drain the life out of us. When we've tried everything and still feel empty, we are given the invitation to come empty and be filled. “It is an invitation to be renewed, strengthened, guided, restored, and satisfied.”

Dalton-Smith shares her own experience of feeling empty after treating patients all day. She went to a conference, seeking to be filled. She realized she was spiritually dehydrated, with dryness of soul and spirit. She was thirsty for more of God in her life and ultimately found Him to be more than enough.

She shares some 80 devotions and suggests we choose 50 for a 50 day challenge. There is a great topical index at the back of the book so we can choose the devotions that especially speak to us. Each devotion takes about five minutes.

These devotions are different from anything I've read before. The first part is an expression of pain. These are heartfelt cries of the soul in the midst of grief, depression, anger, and many other emotions. Some of them deal with issues like alcoholism, dementia, cancer, jealousy, and many more. Next is given a very positive and loving reply from God. Each reading includes Scripture, going deeper questions, and a simple prayer.

These devotions are aimed at people who are really hurting and need a comforting word from God. These are not the kinds of devotions that spur healthy Christians on to repentance, good works, or holiness. Nonetheless, there are several devotions toward the end of the book that are about positive emotions, such as praise and contentment. The idea of the full range of devotions is to spend 30 – 40 days working through pain and then ten to twenty days transitioning to the fullness God offers.

Working through the readings in this book is a good way for readers to pour out life's hurts and receive God's healing love. I recommend the book.

Food for thought: “My presence may not change your situation, but it will always change you.”

You can find out more about the book, read an excerpt, share your story, and join the 5 Day “Come Empty” Challenge here.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Saundra Dalton-Smith is a Board Certified internal medicine physician actively practicing in Alabama. She speaks nationwide about eliminating limiting emotions, finding grace in difficult places, and experiencing personal renewal by drawing near to God. She is the founder of I Choose My Best Life. You can find out more at and

SonRise Devotionals, 200 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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