Friday, February 26, 2016

Jaded Love by Jody Holford and Kara Leigh Miller

About the book:
Kristy has recently moved to New York where she works for the FDA. She reviews files with the aim of approving or denying products and additives. Her life is in danger as she begins receiving threatening notes. Someone doesn't want her thwarting their plans to make big money in pharmaceuticals.

Jackson is a police detective who is on leave from his high pressure job. He is trying to work his way through feelings of guilt and incompetence after having shot and killed an innocent man. He'd been set up to make the kill and had only done what he'd been trained to do. Nonetheless, he still struggled with returning to his job.

Kristy and Jackson meet and they both feel sparks right away. Jackson has a compelling desire to protect Kristy from harm. Their relationship hits roadblocks as they both try to work through their past trauma.

My review:
Kristy's character was a bit puzzling to me. She had been kidnapped in a previous novel and her behavior reflects that experience. She wouldn't sit with her back to people in a crowded restaurant, for example. Yet she was more than willing to walk the streets of New York after work in the dark without fear. She also thwarts Jackson's attempts to keep her safe which seemed out of character for one so traumatized. She has a stubborn streak but lacks the wisdom that should go along with it. I was conflicted about Kristy, not sure I liked her.

I was also puzzled by an action near the end of the book. The police show up in the nick of time at the location where they are needed. One of the detectives says about those they are trying to find, “...I know exactly where they're going.” I wanted to know how he knew that but we are never told. It just seemed like a little piece of the plot was missing.

This is a romance centering around healing from past hurts and moving on. Faith in God is an important element of the novel although some of the characters struggle with it. There is not very much suspense, just a little at the end. I recommend this novel to those who like a straight forward romance.

This is the second in the Mending Heart series and, while this novel will stand alone, I think one would appreciate it better if the first one, Dangerous Love, was read before this one. There is enough back story provided here but much of Kristy's character and behavior in this novel finds its roots in the first one.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and for more stops of the tour click here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jody Holford lives in British Columbia with her family. You can find out more about her at
Kara Leigh Miller lives in Upstate New York with her husband, three kids, three dogs, and three cats. When she's not busy writing romance novels, she's spending time with her family or attending one of her many writers groups. An active member of The Romance Writers of America and the CNY Writers Haven, Kara is also Managing Editor for Anaiah Press' Surge and Romance Imprints. You can find out more at

Ananiah Press, 223 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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