Monday, February 22, 2016

Messed Up Men of the Bible by Tina Samples & Dave Samples

Messed up men – you can't avoid them. But you can learn “how to join God in His mission of transforming your man to fit into God's perfect plan and place.” (12)

The Samples share stories of messed up men in the Bible to show how God chose them to use for His great purposes and achievements. They help you see the God given potential in the men and the role women played in their lives.

Peter was doubleminded. Nebuchadnezzar basked in his success and fell into pride. Saul was a control freak and Moses had an angry temperament. Job had a sick soul and Elijah suffered from depression. Solomon had trouble with spiritual leadership and David failed to be a good father. Samson could not control his lust and Gideon had problems with fear.

I really liked how the Samples presented their material. Each one writes a section so we have insights from the woman's viewpoint and the man's. Tina provides some very practical suggestions. I really liked the ones she gave for when a woman realizes she is living with a controlling man. I also liked Tina's comments about her relationship with her messed up father. There are good insights from Dave about men and spiritual leadership. I found the comments from his viewpoint to be very encouraging, especially when a woman must wait for God to do His work.

I think just about every woman will find her messed up man somewhere in this book. Every man is messed up (just like we women are messed up too). The Samples do not guarantee that your man will change. Only God has the power to change behavior. But you will find encouragement and insight to understand your role in the transformation process.

The authors have added a section at the end of each chapter called “moving Beyond the Mess” with questions for personal or group use. These questions would be great to discuss with a trusted friend.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Tina Samples is a full-time pastor's wife and a registered music therapist. She works on staff with her husband and has led worship for over a decade. You can find out more at
Dave Samples is pastor of Grace River Church and has led many churches and church-related organizations. He has been a regular contributor to a national blog for the Southern Baptist Convention and maintains his own blog at

Kregel Publications, 215 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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