Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mystery Rider by Miralee Ferrell

This is the third in the Horses and Friends series and another great story.

Melissa suggests the barn have an entry in the Fort Dallas Rodeo parade. Kate, Tori, Colt and Melissa start to plan at a get together at Kate's house. After Melissa leaves, the three remaining kids spot a black horse with a mysterious rider covered in a slicker and hood. They wait outside in the late afternoon for several days until they see the figure again. They decide to follow the mysterious duo, leading them into possible danger.

I continue to enjoy these stories. They have a good mixture of intrigue and adventure with a surrounding framework of friendship. There is always a moral lesson to learn and the one in this book deals with lying. Well, not lying so much as not telling the entire truth. Kate is able to convince herself that not telling the whole story is not really lying. Circumstances come crashing down and the truth comes out anyway.

The four friends really mature in this novel. Melissa haltingly becomes a more feeling and supporting friend. Kate and Colt, along with the others, show maturity and selfless love in helping an elderly woman. And Tori? Tori is a really sweet girl. She is beginning to show a gentle boldness that focuses on helping others. As the kids concentrate on helping someone else, they learn that God provides what they need themselves.

Get your tissues ready. You'll need them. I can't remember the last time a youth novel elicited such an emotion. I highly recommend this entertaining and instructive fiction.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

You can read my review of A Horse for Kate here, and Silver Spurs here.

Miralee Ferrell is an award-winning author of sixteen novels. She is a speaker and licensed minister counseling hurting women. She and her husband live along the Columbia River Gorge in southern Washington State. You can find out more at

David C Cook, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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