Thursday, February 18, 2016

Your New Money Mindset by Brad Hewitt and James Moline

Can we have a godly mindset about money when our society is so inundated with materialism? Our attitude toward money is important and revealing, the authors remind us. The Bible has more to say about money than any other topic. Jesus said more about money than any thing else.

The authors have written this book to help us determine our money mindset. Money is a tool God has given us and and we need to understand our every day actions and attitudes toward it. The two authors provide great insight from their own training and experience. One is the CEO of a Fortune 500 organization and knows math and money. The other is a licensed psychologist and understands behavior and belief.

I really like this book because it gets to the bottom of our attitude toward money – our heart. The emphasis of this book is remaking the heart. That is essential to remaking our habits toward money. The process begins with an assessment and the authors have provided the link for one online. They help us understand five money mindsets.

This book is challenging. The authors emphasize generosity, grounded in God's grace toward us. They cover many aspects of our money mindset, like our longing for security, our longing for more, and for success. They write about what it means to live in community and to live with contentment.

You won't find any budgets in this book. You won't find out how to get rich. What you will find is a call to have a heart attitude toward money, possessions, and lifestyle that reflect biblical concepts. You will be asked to re-calibrate your thinking about money. And you can do this in community because there are great questions included to be used in a setting of trusted friends.

I highly recommend this book. You'll be challenged. You'll be invited to have a new money mindset of generosity, to recognize that you have enough for yourself and enough to share. (31)

Find out more about the book at
I'm taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Brad Hewitt is president and CEO of Thrivent Financial, a not-for-profit Fortune 500 organization dedicated to helping Christians be wise with money and live generously. He speaks regularly on how a redefined relationship with money can help us find and live out our call in life. He and his wife live in Minnesota.
James Moline, PhD, is a licensed psychologist who also hold a master's degree in theology. His lifelong passion for ministering to the homeless has taken him around the globe. He and his family live in Minnesota.

Tyndale House Publishers, 272 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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