Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bound to be Free by D. A. Horton

We're busy “for the Lord.” But might that really mean we are trying to win God's approval and love? Maybe we've been caught in the performance trap.

Horton shares his own experience of working hard for God, then being broken and being freed from the performance trap. He wants us to learn from his mistakes and be captured by God's grace, as he has been.

His book is in two parts. We are taken through the various aspects of the performance trap in the first part. We learn to identify it and how to work through various pitfalls. The second part of the book concentrates on the freedom we have in Christ. This is not unbridled freedom. “The freedom we have in Christ comes with the responsibility to live within the framework of the boundaries that God lovingly has set up for us.” Horton also helps us understand and live in the identity we have in Christ.

Horton has given us a good personal account of his experiences with solid teaching on what he has learned. I really liked his discussion about love based on performance and the unconditional love of God.

This book may appeal to young career age Christians as Horton mentions many people and experiences in the world of rap music. As an older reader, I did not recognize many of the individuals. But that did not detract from the essence of the book.

I recommend this book to those who are tired of striving for perfection, tired of striving for God's approval and love. This book will help you leave that behind and walk instead on the path of a balanced relationship with Christ. It is full of personal stories and is very readable.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

D. A. Horton has a degree in Biblical Studies from Calvary Bible College and a Master's in Christian Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary. He is currently working on his PhD at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has written two previous books, was a rapper for over 16 years, and has been an adjunct professor at Calvary Bible College. He and his wife have two daughters and are in the process of planting a church in Southern California. You can find out more at

NavPress, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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