Sunday, March 13, 2016

Break Every Chain by Barry Napier

This is a compelling novel. The subject is heartbreaking but the book is very well written, has well crafted characters, and great suspense.

The novel takes place in Nicaragua and the subject is child sex trafficking. The framework of the novel is an American, Ryan, visiting a home for abused women. His life had been crumbling around him when he stumbled into a church and heard a message on the Nicaraguan ministry. The pastor suggested he make a short visit to the rescue home and the few days he is there changes his life.

Napier says in an Afterward that the experiences in the book are based on real events he experienced or heard about while on two mission trips to Nicaragua. Young girls, preteens, are sold into sexual slavery, frequently by family members in poverty. Sometimes young girls are kidnapped. Sex tourism is popular in the country and brings in big money.

The novel was a hard one to read. It was written well but the stories of the young girls and the scene descriptions are heartbreaking. There are no sexual scenes but the beatings and torture of attempted rescuers was hard to read.

But there is good news in the book too. God is very present in the experiences Ryan and the others have. We read of a miracle that only God could provide. And we really experience the heart of those at the home who want to help the rescued women and children.

Sexual slavery and human trafficking is a reality in much of the world, Napier reminds us. I highly recommend this novel as a powerful reminder of what goes on in many areas.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Barry Napier is the author of several novels and has more than fifty short stories and poems published in print and online. He won a Amazon writing contest in 2012. He is currently working on two novels for small press outlets. He works as a ghostwriter and editor in Lynchburg, Virginia, where he lives with his wife and their three children. You can follow his blog at

Elk Lake Publishing, 328 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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