Monday, March 7, 2016

Breaking Free by Jennifer Slattery

This novel really portrays what happens to a marriage and family when a spouse succumbs to addiction. In this novel, a husband drifts into alcoholism and compulsive gambling.

Seeing how the behavior of the man impacts his wife and sons is heart wrenching. Slattery allows us to see life from both the wayward husband and the desperate wife. It really made me think of the kinds of decisions I would make in a similar situation. And how is it possible to prevent harm from falling down onto the children when the relationship between the parents is crumbling? It reminded me of the importance of trying to understand the hurt young adults are feeling.

Slattery also gives us good insight into the ministries that help those in desperate situations. Intervention done well is so important, both for the addicted spouse and the spouse at a loss in knowing how to move forward.

It is refreshing to be reminded that our God is a God of miracles. I did feel the “miracle” was a little abrupt, leaving many loose ends at the novel's sudden end. We are left with many unresolved issues that begs for a sequel. We have had a good example of how family relationships might be so seriously damaged. Now we need to be shown how those relationships can be put back together again.

I recommend this book to those who would like to see the reality of addiction, what it does to a family, and how God can provide a way back to individual wholeness.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jennifer Slattery is the author of several novels. She writes articles for, other ministries, and devotionals for her blog. She lives in the Omaha area. You can find out more at

New Hope Publishers, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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