Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Meet the New You by Elisa Pulliam

If you have ever thought it would be great to hire a personal life coach to help you be the woman God intended you to be, this book is for you. Pulliam, a life coach and mentor, has written this book with the purpose of coming alongside you. She helps define what you want to build and then focuses on moving forward.

I really liked this book. Reading it (I think) was like having a life coach next to me. I've never had a personal life coach but I think working through this book is what it would be like.

Pulliam has a foundation of encountering God. Such a personal encounter is the only way we will know what God has for us and the direction we should be going.

She takes us through the key phases of life coaching, beginning with awareness. I drew a life map, did a time evaluation, did some prioritizing, and explored a life time-line. Next was finding out who I am. That began with what the Bible said about me, being in Christ. Then I looked at my personality type, my gifting and my talents. Pulliam provided links to free on-line assessment tools. Then I moved on to addressing obstacles. She even made me look at my possible idols. She provided tools to help me move forward and helped me write a vision statement and set goals.

I really appreciate all Pulliam has included in this book. In addition to instructive writing, she included activities and questions that helped me work through this process. I've started writing in a journal, as she recommended. I plan to go back and work through those questions from time to time.

Am I a new person after these twenty one days? Perhaps not, but I have taken the first steps. Pulliam reminds us this is a long journey and her book is a springboard to get us on our way. I have a feeling I will be going through this book many times in the future years as my life situation changes.

I highly recommend this book to any woman who wants to be the person God intended. You'll learn about yourself, what your passions are, what keeps you from moving forward, etc. You'll be given skills to overcome obstacles and you'll learn how to cast a vision for your future. I think you'll find that reading this book just might be the beginning of a great adventure.

Food for thought: “Real change is possible as God continues lifelong transformative work in your heart, mind, body, and soul.” (5)

You can find out more about the book, read testimonials, sign up for newsletters, etc., at http://thenewyou.elisapulliam.com/. You can read an excerpt and watch a video here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Elisa Pulliam is the founder of http://www.moretobe.com/ and the executive director of http://www.kingdomhearts.us/. She is a life coach, coach trainer, and speaker. She is a wife and mother, her favorite roles. You can find out more at http://www.elisapulliam.com/.

Waterbrook, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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