Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Publishing Dreams by Gina Duke

You want to write a book and have it published by an established publisher. Can it be done without the process of getting an agent?

Duke says it can. She had her first book, Organizing Your Prayer Closet, published by Abingdon Press without the intervention of an agent. She shares in this ebook what she has learned about writing and getting a book published.

She helps choose a topic and how to make it unique enough to be recognized as an original idea. Next is the title and book premise with ideas to make the book stand out. She has practical suggestions for doing research, for identifying the felt need for the book, how to network and get endorsements. She gives ideas to create a platform, including blogging. She has a good book format proposal included too.

This little book is full practical ideas with an emphasis on what you can be doing right now to get yourself into a position to be published. I really liked her suggestions for how to do a fifteen minute interview with a publisher, should you get one at a writing conference.

She reminds readers over and over to have patience. Her first book was accepted quickly but Duke is finding that is not the case with her next books.

To help readers get to work on the suggestions she makes, a link to download a free fourteen page workbook is included. That way, as you read you can actually begin working right away on the process.

Did you know that if you're writing fiction, the book must be written before a contract is signed but not with nonfiction? For nonfiction, a proposal, chapter titles, etc., is all that is needed. You write the book after the contract is signed. That's just one of the tips I learned.

There is loads of information in this book and I recommend it to all who desire to write a book and have it published by a recognized publisher.

You can find out more about the book at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Gina Duke is an award winning author with over 15 years of experience leading women's conferences. She is a content provider for iDisciple (a Family Christian ministry), (a Jennifer Rothschild ministry), and Nashville's Family Christian Magazine. She has a BS in Organizational Leadership and is currently completing her Associates in Ministry. She lives in the greater Nashville, TN area. You can find out more at

Gina Duke, 75 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this ebook through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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