Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Synced by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

Dean helps us understand the purpose of prayer as she explores how Jesus' life was synced to the Father's. How might we live a synced life?

Jesus' life flowed out of His communication with the Father. Dean looks at the prayer Jesus taught His disciples, reminding us of obedience and commitment to God's will. She also reminds us we have access through the Holy Spirit to the same power Jesus had. She says the Holy Spirit is eager to teach us to pray too. All we have to do is ask. We can live synced to the heart of Jesus just as He lived synced to the Father's heart.

I did not receive a review copy of this book so I am unable to write a review of it. I am taking part in a blog tour of the book, however, and you can read other reviews here.

You can watch a video promoting the book here.

Jennifer Kennedy Dean is Executive Director of The Praying Life Foundation, an author and speaker. She is a widow and the parent of three grown sons. She lives in Marion, KY. You can find out more at

New Hope Publishers, 176 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

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