Friday, April 22, 2016

Core Christianity by Michael Horton

Do you know what you believe about God, life, the world and why? Horton wants to make sure you do.

This book is sort of a very readable exploration of general systematic theology. He explores the story of Jesus, the meaning of the trinity (heresies and creeds), God's attributes, the Bible as God's Word, man's condition (radical depravity), how to understand the Old Testament, the future, and our calling now.

Horton writes from a distinctively Reformed view. He emphasizes that God speaks to us through his Word and those called by God to study and proclaim his Word. (70) He emphasizes the complete fulfillment of the land promises based on Joshua 23:14. (109) In fact, Horton writes, “...God kept his promise to Adam and Eve, Abraham, and David.” (114) He discounts all after-death experiences. “...[T]hey are not reliable sources of information about life and death.” (148-9)

Horton tackles some serious questions. He does not give any pat answers, saying that some of these issues are beyond our ability to comprehend. (64) For example, of the problem of a good God and evil in the world, he writes, “...there's no philosophical resolution to the problem of evil – from our vantage point here and now...” (66) He acknowledges that there are some issues Christians will just have to continue to face. (62)

I recommend this book to those who are interested in knowing what they (should) believe and why but have not read much in the way of theology. This is a very readable book and would not scare off those new to understanding the concept of theology. Horton does a good job of explaining why it is important to read books like this one. He writes, “ know what you believe and why lies at the heart of your Christian experience, worship, and everyday living.” (21)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Michael Horton is the author of over thirty books and is host of White Horse Inn, a nation-wide radio broadcast. He is J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California and the editor-in-chief of Modern Reformation magazine. He lives in Escondido, California, with his wife and their children.

Zondervan, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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