Sunday, April 10, 2016

Honestly by Daniel Fusco

Fusco aims to help us in our messy lives with lessons from the book of Ephesians. This is not a verse by verse commentary nor a systematic look at the epistle. Fusco takes lessons from verses here and there, jumping around from chapter to chapter.

I have mixed feelings about this book. On the positive side, I really liked how Fusco reminded us of the purpose of troubles in our lives. Jesus sees those places we think negative as opportunities for healing change. The resolution to our troubles is Jesus. His presence is a gift, not to get us out of the mess but to be with us in it. Fusco has some good thoughts on that journey, including the importance of prayer.

On the negative side, I felt the book is very basic. It may be appropriate for very new Christians or ones who are biblically illiterate. Fusco retells Bible stories, such as the raising of Lazarus, in their entirety. The book may also be good for those seeking to know about faith in Jesus as Fusco does a good job of explaining our situation and how Jesus is the answer. Seasoned Christians may not find anything new or insightful in this book.

I also felt the book is aimed at young people. The way Fusco writes made me think this book might be better appreciated by someone in their late teens. Fusco loves to play bass and there is lots about music and stories about playing in a band. In fact, the questions at the end of the chapters are called riffs, which made no sense to this non-musical person. So a young person who plays guitar in a band might be the best potential reader for this book.

I appreciated Fusco reminding us that we must trust God's character when we are struggling with the mess of our lives. I appreciated being reminded that Jesus is with us as we go through the mess. I was a little disappointed in the writing style and the concentration of stories about playing the bass guitar.

You can find out more about the book, watch a promotional video, find resources such as for small groups, read endorsements, and watch sermon videos here.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Daniel Fusco was saved his last year at Rutgers University. He was a professional musician for a few years and was then called to the ministry. He planted Calvary Chapel churches in New Brunswick, Mill Valley, and San Francisco. He moved to Vancouver, Washington in 2012 to become the lead pastor at Crossroads Community Church. You can find his teaching at, iTunes, at, and his Facebook page. He also has a radio ministry. He and his wife have three children.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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