Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Ebola Game by Glenn Shepard

This is one crazy novel. A potential Ebola epidemic in the U.S., a powerful Vodoun priestess and zombies in Haiti, and a mad man who wants to rule the world all make for one unique novel.

This is not the first book in the Dr. Scott James series. Though there is some back story included in this novel, I would think the previous novels should be read to fully enjoy this one.

The plot for this novel is good. The really bad guy, Omar Farouk arranges to have an ambulance explode at the emergency entrance of the hospital at which Dr. James is the administrator. Dead bodies in the vehicle contained the Ebola virus and there is concern for an epidemic. Dr. James tests immune for the virus and it seems he acquired the immunity while in Haiti. He and others go there to find the Vodoun priestess who had treated his head wound.

There is lots of action in this novel and it keeps a good pace. There is lots of information in the novel about Ebola and some technical things, like patching into a speaker system. There are some good gadgets too, like a GPS devise to track people.

Part of the novel has the point of view of first person, being Dr. Scott. I found it disconcerting that other parts of the novel have more of a universal point of view as we are privy to the thoughts of others. I also found that some characters repeated the same statement a couple of times in a conversation.

Other than those minor defects, this is a crazy interesting novel. I recommend it to those who like suspense novels with terrorists, a crazy mad man, a bunch of zombies, and a main character who keeps getting in trouble with authorities. We are definitely left hanging at the end of this novel so a sequel will be appearing soon.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. Click here to view the 'The Ebola Game by Glenn Shepard' Tour Participants.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Glenn Shepard began writing when he was still a surgical resident at Vanderbilt. He created Dr. Scott James in 2012. The first two in the series are The Missile Game and The Zombie Game.

Mystery House, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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