Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Veil of Deception by Michael Byars Lewis

I really liked this historical novel of espionage. It is an exciting exploration of how China may be working to take down America. It takes place in the spring of 2001.

This is the second novel featuring Jason Conrad. I have not read the first one yet I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Conrad is an Air Force captain who trains jet pilots. In this novel, he is assigned to Edwards Air Force Base to assist in testing a new generation of fighter jet.

We readers soon find out that all is not as it is supposed to be with the company contracted to design and manufacture the new jet. The simulations aren't working properly. The multistory building housing the company is a sham, with only the first floor completed and being used. And then people associated with the project start dying.

I was impressed with the new bent on China trying to take down America. China is behind the company creating the aircraft. One part of their deception is creating cost overruns of into the billions. And this is in 2001. The Chinese aim to drain the Department of Defense of operational funds, ultimately producing a useless aircraft. But as the novel progresses, that is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to what China has planned, using those they have embedded in the U.S. To add to the intrigue, there is a Russian agent, an assassin, seriously interest in the project too.

Jason is not a strong hero. He is a little slow on figuring things out. He's also captivated by a woman from the first novel who suddenly comes back into his life – right when he is going to work with the new jet. I was amazed that he wasn't more suspect of her appearance after being gone for six years. I would have preferred a more savvy male lead. My favorite character was Sherri, a reporter with the New York Times. She's a scrappy woman who is not afraid to be shot at to get an inside story.

Since the plot revolves around a new jet, there is much about flying, enduring Gs, finding turning points, and much more. There is experimental technology involved in this superior jet and that was interesting to read about. The author's expertise in this area shows. I really like Lewis' writing style. The novel flows well with continuous action.

I recommend this novel to readers who would like a novel about Chinese plans to severely weaken America. You'll enjoy a realistic plot with lots of action and an exciting end.

You can watch the book trailer here. I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. Click here to view the 'Veil of Deception by Michael Byars Lewis' Tour Participants.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Michael Byars Lewis is a former AC-13OU “Spooky” Gunship Evaluator Pilot with 18 years in Air Force Special Operations Command. A 25-year Air Force pilot, he has flown special operations combat missions in Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. His first novel, Surly Bonds, won three awards – 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards: Silver Medal Finalist 1st Novel, 2013 Readers' Favorites: Bronze Medal (Fiction-Intrigue), and the 2014 Beverly Hills Book Awards: Winner (Military Fiction). You can follow Lewis on Facebook, GoodReads, Twitter, and Pinterest. He is currently a pilot for a major U.S. Airline. Find out more at www.michaelbyarslewis.com.

Book Details:

Genre: Thriller Published by: SATCOM Publishing Publication Date: April 2016 Number of Pages: 458 ISBN: 0991476425, 9780991476428 Purchase Links:
Amazon iBooks Barnes & Noble SmashWords Goodreads

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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