Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Transformed Mind by Tracy Wainwright

This might be a little book (60 pages) but it is the best I've read on transforming your mind. Wainwright has done an excellent job of showing the importance of our thoughts and how our mind, body and spirit are linked.

She lays the biblical foundation for her encouragement for us to be intentional with our thoughts. They matter. They have the capacity to change our lives.

She explores the major influences on our thoughts, how to evaluate our thoughts, and the reality of being able to battle thoughts. She then provides an excellent strategy for us to control our thoughts.

There are a couple of points Wainwright makes that really impressed me. One dealt with feelings. Just because we change our thoughts does not mean we do not feel hurt, disappointment, etc. We can choose positive thoughts while still feeling the pain.

The other point is an insight about truth. “It isn't just the truth that sets us free,” Wainwright writes, “it's the truth that we know.” (26) That requires abiding in that truth. That insight clarified much for me.

Another part of the book I really appreciated was her chapter describing right thinking. That's one I'll reread again and again.

I highly recommend this book to any Christian who is ready to work on transforming their mind. Wainwright clarifies that this process is not some magical life-transformation. It's work. She's provided practical suggestions and encouragement to help you on your way. Skip the books that have hundreds of pages and begin with this one. You'll find enough material in it to keep you busy for a long time.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Tracy Wainwright is the director of the Abundant Life Conference for Women, a Stonecroft Ministries speaker, author, blogger, wife, and mother. You can find out more at .

Wainwright Publishing, 78 pages. You can buy it here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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