Sunday, May 8, 2016

Framed to Death by Christina Freeburn

This is a fun cozy mystery. It would especially appeal to women who love crafts, especially scrapbooking.

This is the first book in this series I've read and it seems Faith has a reputation of getting involved in solving murder cases. She gets right in the middle of this one by being photographed with a packet of synthetic marijuana in her hand. The teen who posted the photo on social media claimed Faith was trying to sell it to her.

Faith is out to defend herself but also find out who is selling the drug to the West Virginia town's teens. The situation gets really dangerous when fires begin destroying small business. Something is afoot that involves the highly regard high school football coach.

I like this mystery. There is a good amount of action interspersed with Faith's relationship problems to keep me reading. It portrayed well the complex scene one finds in a small town where people have long histories with one another.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Christina Freeburn enjoys scrapbooking. She served in the JAG Corps of the Army and has also worked as a paralegal, librarian, and church secretary. She and her family live in West Virginia. Find out more at

Henry Press, 268 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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