Friday, May 20, 2016

Jesus Called by Ray Johnston

What would happen is Jesus was truly the head of the church? What if church boards would ask of every decision, “What would Jesus have us do?” What would happen if each of us reconnected with Jesus and actually followed Him?

Johnston reviews the cultural shifts of the last seven decades, showing us how we have come to this place of “Christianity without Jesus.” He suggests that this coming decade could have a great impact for Christian faith. But there will be stiff opposition for the hearts of people. He explores the impressions people have of Christians and the church today, giving five reasons people are fed up with the church. Moving forward on a strong foundation will be necessary.

Johnston shares how Acts 2:45-47 transformed him and his church. He and his church saw their compassion unleashed. They minister to those near and far through sacrificial giving and loving action. He wants us to live with that same passion. He wants us to quit playing it safe.

This is a very encouraging book. He shares stories from life and the Bible to illustrate his desire for Christians and the church. It was so encouraging to read of adults to little children taking life changing steps of faith. Johnston includes many practical principles and steps to help us live that life of passion and compassion.

I am amazed at the story of Bayside Church. Pastors and church leaders who read this book will see a very different way of doing church. Rather than watering down the gospel, it is truly lived out.

I am amazed at the many individual stories too. Every reader will be encouraged, reading about people with passion and compassion for the Lord's work.

I recommend this book to church leaders and laypeople alike. Reading this book will give you hope for the future of the church. I do hope this book will receive good exposure and serious attention. It is a much needed message to Christians and the church today.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Ray Johnston has a background as a professor, speaker, writer, and founder of Thrive Communications and Thrive Leadership Conference. He is the author of the bestselling book The Hope Quotient and is the founding pastor of Bayside Church. He and his wife have four children.

Thomas Nelson, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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