Saturday, May 28, 2016

Worth Living by Mary DeMuth

Maybe you're like DeMuth who had a preoccupation with her worth. It stemmed from having been raped by a teen when she was only five years old. For years she believed she was worthless.

She writes that, “As long as I could stay on the treadmill of perfect performance, I could live with myself, feel somewhat loved...” (23) She thought about suicide. Then Jesus came into her life when she was fifteen. That began her struggle to understand “God's wildly audacious love” for her.

She learned the nature of the lie she had believed. She learned how to replace the lie with the truth. She shares what she has learned in this book. We are reminded that God radically transforms hearts. She reminds us that it will be a battle. “Changing our mind about our worth is spiritual warfare, plain and simple.” (31)

The lies are identified, such as thinking our worth is tied to our production, to our past, or to perfect behavior. She also tackles lies about weakness, security, and beauty. With insight, she provides practical suggestions for action, such as verses to remember. She illustrates her principles with stories from her own life and from the Bible. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection or discussion and a written prayer.

I highly recommend this book to Christians struggling with their worth. This book will give you practical steps to get you on your way to knowing and living in the worth you have in Jesus. DeMuth's prayer is that this book “starts a revolution of a renewed sense of worthiness for many people.” (127)

You can download an excerpt here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Mary DeMuth is a former church planter in France and the author of more than thirty books. She lives in Texas with her family. You can find out more at

Baker Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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