Saturday, June 11, 2016

A Teen's Guide to the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman with Paige Haley Drygas

I remember the insight and understanding I gained the first time I read about the five love languages. Teens really need the information and I'm glad to see it presented in a book written especially for them.

If you're not familiar with the love languages, here's a synopsis. It's been found that each person receives messages of love and appreciation in a particular way. Some accept spoken (or written) words. Some recognize love by the amount of quality time you are willing to spend with them. Others recognize love through gifts. Others need to see acts of service. And some accept love best when expressed through touch.

I like how the authors expand on each of the languages. For example, with the love language of time, that can be expressed with quality conversation (with tips on communicating), quality listening (with tips on listening skills), and quality activities. The authors have included some suggested ways of expressing love in each of the languages. They also include how to recognize the love language of another. And, especially suited for teens, there are warnings for each language as to how it can be misused (such as the most misused – touch).

The method of presentation and the graphics are great. I really like the emphasis on feeling loved and how the feeling is created when the right love language is used. We tend to use our own love language and that may not work with someone else. Recognizing another person's love language and expressing love in that way may take some effort. But teens will really see the benefit in relationships.

The authors give examples of each love language and how the message is received. They also include cautions, like not being phony. This book will help teens understand communication and relationship problems. Recognizing differences in communication languages, teens be better able to make good relationships. The authors even include tips for family relationships (parents and siblings) and a chapter on anger and forgiveness.

Tips and questions are included at the end of each chapter. This would be a good book for parents to read along with their teens as the questions would provide good discussion. Everyone in the family could work through the love language profile and determine their own. Those results would make for good family discussion too.

I highly recommend this book for teens and parents. Even if you've read about the five love languages before, this is a good book to refresh your memory. If you've never read about the love languages, this is a good place to start. You're in for a treat and a future with better relationships.

Food for thought: “Learning to speak love and appreciation in a language the other person can receive is the key to enhancing all human relationships.” (16)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Gary Chapman is the author of the New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, a speaker and counselor. He travels the world presenting seminars and has a radio program. You can find out more at
Paige Haley Drygas has helped edit and develop a line of teen Bibles. She has also partnered with many other authors. She is the President of Peachtree Editorial Services. She lives in Peachtree, Georgia with her husband and sons.

Moody Press, 144 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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