Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reset by Nick Hall

It started with a college English assignment to write a proposal. That led to the forming of PULSE ministry with the goal of Christ being the pulse of this generation. Over the years, Hall has seen the lives of many reset by Jesus. He wants readers of this book to have a similar experience.

He has included lots of stories from his own life, the lives of others, and stories from the Bible to illustrate his principles. We see that meaning in life is not found in earthly pursuits.

He has stories and suggestions for resetting our lives in the areas of faith, plans, self-image, relationships, purity, habits, affections, and resetting this generation. He includes action items at the end of each chapter for journaling or for discussion in a small group. Some of these resets, such as purity, require making choices and sticking with them. Having some accountability in the form of a small group would be helpful.

The subtitle of this book, “Jesus Changes Everything,” might be a little misleading. With Jesus in one's life there is the potential of everything changing. There is nothing automatic about the resets Hall is writing about here. We still need to make decisions, have good habits, etc.

This book would be good for career age people or younger. Hall uses many examples of lyrics from contemporary songs as well as some contemporary people. It is his desire that people of this generation would say “yes” to Jesus and allow Him to reset everything.

Food for thought: “With God, nothing is wasted. The tests God has carried you through will become the testimony he uses in someone else's life.” (113)

You can find out more about the book and watch videos here.

You can find out more at and

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Nick Hall has shared the reset Jesus offers to millions around the world, with more than five hundred thousand publicly responding. He is the founder of PULSE, the leader behind the Reset Movement, and one of the coordinators of the Together 2016 gathering. He and his family live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can find out more at

Multnomah Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary galley from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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