Friday, June 17, 2016

Resolved by Lina AbuJamra

We are facing an epidemic in the church today,” AbuJamra writes. “There is a deep disconnect between what Christians say we believe and how we live, and it's threatening to destroy us.” (12-13) What we need, she says, is resolve, biblical resolve that's “motivated by a changed life and transformed heart that longs to please and glorify God.” (15)

There are ten resolutions every believer must make, she says, to stand strong today. They are areas where we must decide whether we will live by the truth or not. She uses stories of Bible characters and from her own life to illustrate her principles.

Subjects about which readers are asked to resolve include belief about God and His goodness, receiving and giving God's love, obeying God even when it is not convenient, yielding rights to Jesus, speaking up for the gospel, giving cheerfully and not holding back, choosing to be in authentic community, practicing gratitude, living in hope knowing God is in control, and allowing the peace of Christ to rule the heart.

Abujamra writes, “If you're serious about changing your world for Christ, and if you're serious about living what you say you believe, then it's time to resolve to yield to God in every detail of your life – in the big things and the small.” (87) That goes for eating choices and television watching as much as a choice of career or spouse.

I think the important words in the above quote are “if you're serious.” If you are serious about your Christian life, this book will give you good teaching and encouragement to make these ten commitments and work at living them out. It involves radical choices. Unless you're ready to really carry through on them, this will just be another book you will put on your shelf. Unfortunately, there were no discussion questions included in the book as this would be a good book for a group study. After you buy the book, you can get a free DVD series and study guide at

You can find out more about the book, watch a book trailer, and follow her blog at

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Lina AbuJamra is a pediatric ER doctor and the founder of Living with Power Ministries. She has a popular blog, a podcast, hosts a program on Moody Radio, and has a speaking ministry that has taken her all over the world.

Baker Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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