Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Scatter by Andrew Scott

The historical model of missions is not working. The amount of money the church gives for missions is pathetic. “Americans spend more on Halloween costumes – for our pets – than we give to reaching the unreached in our world.” (11) Scott provides some snapshots of the unreached today that are heartbreaking.

We need to get a new picture, Scott argues. That division between “full-time” Christian workers and the rest of us needs to be retired. Every believer gets to be a “full-time” follower of Christ, bringing glory to God through our professions and other aspects of our life. Just like the early Christians were scattered, we are to scatter to permeate our society and the world.

What an encouraging book! We are encouraged to live our passion, to be who God created us to be. We might be a business owner. We might be an artist, a plumber, or a teacher. Whatever we do, whether it is out in society or in our home, we are to live for God's kingdom, not our own accumulation of wealth. Our life is centered on the purposes of God, pointing others to God's glory.

Scott asks, “What if an entire generation redirected their purpose away from the elusive and godless American dream?” (72) He includes inspiring stories of people who have done so. He encourages us by reminding us we were made in God's image and of our position in Christ, accepted and loved. He uses biblical examples and tells some great parables to illustrate his principles.

I highly recommend this book to those in church leadership. Scott has included a note to pastors and mission leaders. They are encouraged to accept a new paradigm and empower a generation to share the gospel with their coworkers and neighbors. Those of us sitting in the pews need encouragement from our leaders to do that.

There are a couple of thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter so this book could be used for a group or personal study.

You can find out more at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Andrew Scott is the president and CEO of OM USA, part of a global mission movement working in 118 nations. He grew up in Northern Ireland. He and his family live in Tyrone, Georgia.

Moody Publishers, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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