Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Escaping Reality by Rachel Skatvold

I enjoyed this Christian romance. The plot was rather predictable but I really liked the characters. They made the book a delight.

Addison is part of a media popular family. She was a well known TV personality herself. And she had just run away from her wedding rehearsal – after her fiance was caught kissing another woman. And now she was stuck in the mud on a rural Montana road, miles from the secluded getaway where she hoped to put her life back together.

Enter Logan, a bearded horse rider who would rescue Addie and take her to the family ranch. But Addie has no trust for a man and sparks fly. It isn't too long, however, and a different kind of spark begins to kindle.

I had a like/dislike attitude toward Addie. She has been deeply hurt and it just might be that a family like Logan's will help in the healing process. But she is not honest with them and hides that she is a TV star. That comes back later to hurt Logan and sabotage their budding romance.

It was the secondary characters that I really liked. Logan's grandfather is a wise man and gentle in his advice. He is a great mentor character. I liked Logan's mom too. She has been hit a hard blow by the loss of a son and her own debilitating injury. Yet she is able to evaluate her family's situation and provide good counsel. My favorite character was Dylan, the young deaf nephew of Logan. He faced a tough future and needed strong mentoring. My least favorite character was Jared, the jerk who betrayed Addie on the way to the altar. Skatvold did a good job of getting me to dislike him.

Discussion Questions at the end of the book cover some of the themes. There is the theme of loyalty within a family and among friends. Addie must decide if she will be honest, even if it means the loss of potential love. Logan faces the challenge of overcoming what he feels was a major failure on his part. Logan's parents face the daunting task of passing on the ranch to the next generation.

I recommend this novel to those who enjoy a good romance with a wonderful setting and great characters.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book:

Blog Stops

July 6: Blossoms and Blessings
July 7: The Editor’s Note
July 8: Bukwurmzzz
July 9: Texas Book-aholic
July 9: Cassandra M’s Place
July 10: 100 pages per hour
July 11: Reviewing Novels Online
July 12: Inklings and Notions
July 13: Chas Ray’s Book Nerd Corner
July 14: Christian Chick’s Thoughts
July 15: Daysong Reflections
July 17: Carpe Diem
July 18: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
Rachel Skatvold is an inspirational author and stay at home mom from the Midwest. She enjoys writing inspirational romance, devotions, and encouraging blogs. She enjoys a number of hobbies, including camping with her husband and two young sons. You can find out more at www.rachelskatvold.com.

You can purchase the book here.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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