Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Evilution by Ace Collins

As this episode nine opens, Bobbs and her cohorts are on a stakeout in St. Louis. She is playing the role of a cabbie and Barnes is in the trunk, playing the part of a spare tire. Meeker is in the dangerous situation of being in a warehouse with Carfono. Carfono was certainly shocked, thinking Meeker was dead, having died in a plane crash. Bobbs wonders, what would a spy caught by M16 have that was so important? Why would Hitler want to abduct four polio victims, even if they were friends of the president?

Suddenly, a loud blast, shaking ground, and smoke pouring from the warehouse. It turns out Meeker is safe, if a little worse for wear. Carfono is dead. Meeker insists Carfono was not behind the abductions. She suggests they go through what they know so far once again. They are missing something and if they don't spot it, that will mean death for the abducted.

Meanwhile, ex-FBI agent Reese and the Dutchman Holsclaw are behind the German lines, dressed as SS officers, still trying to find Armstrong. If they could only find out what others had missed. They are ready to head back to England but face many obstacles on the way.

And then there is the nefarious person who has infiltrated Hoover's office and the wealthy American businessman being blackmailed by the Nazis.

Attention to period phrases in the dialog, descriptions of cars, songs and other features of the era make this series fun to read. There continues to be a good bit of action both in America and in Europe as the novel alternates location. We also get a good sense in this episode of the price some had to pay.

We're left hanging, knowing there is more unfinished business for Meeker. And there is still that mole to find and reveal.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Ace Collins is the author of more than sixty books. He has also appeared on a number of television shows. He is based in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

Elk Lake Publishing, 129 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this episode through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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