Sunday, July 31, 2016

Salvation Lake by G. M. Ford

I've read several of the Leo Waterman series by Ford and have enjoyed them. I like the Seattle setting and the quirky characters he includes. As in the other novels, he uses his friends (when they're not in jail) to help him in his inquiries.

Leo gets involved in a double murder investigation when the ugly tweed coat belonging to his father is found with two dead men stuffed in the trunk of a car. Leo's interest is piqued as he hadn't seen that coat since his father died years ago.

This is a complex mystery as there are layers upon layers Leo has to uncover. Central in the investigation is a church with a very popular preacher at the helm. There are also a couple of tough guys involved and Leo suffers some bruising for his detecting efforts.

I found the church angle very interesting. At one point Leo finds boxes and boxes of the pastor's book that was advertised as a bestseller. A similar situation actually happened with a Seattle pastor.

I enjoyed the plot of this novel as Leo uncovered the layers of deceit. I felt the ending was a little unrealistic, wrapping up a loose end a little too conveniently.

To my regular blog readers, this novel contains sex scenes, violence, and vulgar language.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

G. M. Ford has written eight other novels in this Leo Waterman series, as well as the Frank Corso series and some stand alone fiction. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

Thomas & Mercer, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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