Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Through Raging Waters by Renee Blare

This is the second book in the series about Timber Springs. While this book can be read on its own, I would suggest reading To Soar On Eagles Wings first. You can read my review of that novel here.

As the novel opens, the town is in danger of severe flooding. Steve, the local game warden we met in the earlier novel, takes charge of saving the town from total destruction. Even though the timber company was told to not have men in the mountains, there is a crew that got sent up and hasn't been heard from since. Paul, local pharmacist and Steve's brother-in-law, leads a group of four to find and rescue the loggers.

There is a great deal of action in this novel as the narrative alternates between the flooding town and the mountain rescue. The rescue team has a hard time going up the unpaved road that is flooded in many areas.

Even though there is lots of action, I think the novel is more about relationships. There is much going on between Paul and his siblings – lots of hurt and anger. There is a sudden romance that blossoms between Paul and Melissa, good friend of Steve's wife. It seems to go from nothing to intensity in a matter of hours.

I had difficulty liking the characters in the novel. Most of them seemed angry most of the time. I didn't like Melissa. She was so impulsive and thought she knew better what needed to happen than those in charge. I did not respect her at all.

I found Blare's writing style difficult. Her use of pronouns had me scratching my head often. Here's an example:
   “Steve ran a hand through his messy hair. 'Paul, come here please.'
   He stood over his sibling for a moment...”
The “he” is actually referring to Paul but I think with the rules of English, the pronoun should be referring to Steve, the subject of the earlier sentence. Here's another:
   Steve walked around the table and gripped his hand.” 
He gripped his own hand? No, the “his” is supposed to refer to another person and indicate a handshake.

I also found the hyped up language difficult. A comforter became “silk-encased feathers.” People did not turn their heads, their heads snapped. The pop of a fireplace was a crack that ricocheted off the room's walls. Here is one that really bothered me. The scene is the rescue men driving up the mountain, and remember this is a novel about lots of flooding. “Joshua rounded the next curve, and a wall of water met them.” A flash flood? No, just heavier rain so Joshua turned the wipers up to a higher speed and continued on.

I had difficulty with some of the lack of scene construction. For example, the town is flooding and there are sand bags at storefronts and a piece of heavy equipment just got swept away by the waters. But then two women get in a car and drive off. Was the car parked on a hill? I just could not picture how that could all take place in the same area.

Those who enjoy hyped up action and aren't bothered by lack of attention to detail may enjoy this novel. A touching romance is included and the gospel is clearly presented.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can find links to other reviewers here.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Renee Blare was raised in Louisiana and Wyoming. She has been writing since junior high. She attended pharmacy school and still counts pills. She lives in Wyoming with her husband where she loves to fish, hunt, and play classical guitar. You can find out more at and follow her blog at

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 346 pages. You can purchase the book here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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