Friday, July 15, 2016

To Soar on Eagle's Wings by Renee Blare

This is a Christian romance that is a quick and easy read. The plot centers on Rachel, a first year teacher. The novel begins as she is on spring break. She crosses paths with Steve, her brother's old roommate. He's a game warden who has recently been assigned to Timber Springs. He finds evidence someone is harassing animals in the woods and sets out to catch them

There seems to be a spark of interest between the Rachel and Steve. There are issues that must be resolved before the two can pursue romance. Rachel has brothers who are dealing with issues since their mother died. Rachel herself is not sure she wants to continue teaching. A group of young men are terrorizing businesses in town and even threaten Rachel. Steve's life is in danger when he tries to catch the culprits.

The novel is OK. There is nothing really wrong with it but nothing that I found excellent either. I would recommend it to readers who enjoy an easy going and rather short novel with no complicated features. There are some unresolved issues in the book which may be a lead in to the sequel releasing soon.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Renee Blare was raised in Louisiana and Wyoming. She has been writing since junior high. She attended pharmacy school and is still counting pills. She lives in Wyoming with her husband where she loves to fish, hunt, and play classical guitar. You can find out more at

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 210 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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