Sunday, August 28, 2016

Awaken by Terry Nance

You may be a young Christian leader or a person feeling the call to ministry and leadership. Nance has written heartfelt letters in the style of a spiritual father to help you understand and develop your role in service to the church.

I really appreciate the letters Nance wrote. He emphasizes the weight of God's call to be His spokesperson. He reminds of the standard of holiness that must be set as leaders live as examples to the church. He admonishes leaders that they are to be kingdom leaders, not empire builders. Their role is to make God look better, not themselves.

With heartfelt compassion and godly insight, Nance writes about preparing for ministry when one feels called. He includes practical suggestions for increasing knowledge and experience. He reminds of the importance of prayer, the necessity of sacrifice and faith, submitting to authority, evidencing godly leadership, the reality of spiritual abuse, being a reformer, surviving and learning from adversity, upholding the truth of the Bible, and living in intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.

I really like Nance reminding leaders that they are setting the example to others. He suggests high standards for leaders, encouraging them to run the race faithfully to the end. Nance's book is a refreshing one focusing on character rather than numbers. He gives lots of examples of godly leadership, both as illustrations and as encouragement.

I recommend this book to those in church ministry or leadership or feeling the call to ministry and leadership. You'll receive wise words from a spiritual father.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Terry Nance is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University and Rhema Bible Training Center. He served twenty-three years with Agape Church Little Rock as the executive director of Agape Missionary Alliance. He is the founder and president of Focus on the Harvest and has authored three books. In 2008, he and his wife began Impact Church, a multicultural body of believers in Sherwood, Arkansas. He and his wife have been married for over thirty years and have three children.

Whitaker House, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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