Thursday, September 15, 2016

Among the Shadows by Bruce Robert Coffin

It is fall in Portland, Maine, when life usually returns to normal after the summer tourists. But when a retired cop is murdered, Detective Sergeant John Byron is tasked with investigating the case. On the outs with his department's upper echelon, separated from his wife, and feeling the strong pull of the bottle, Byron remains all business as he tries to solve the murder of one of their own. And then another ex-Portland PD officer dies under suspicious circumstances. Byron realizes there is much more to these cases than meets the eye. The closer he gets to the truth, the greater the danger for him and his fellow detectives.

My review:
I thoroughly enjoyed this police thriller. I can tell Coffin knows police procedure, the politics of police departments, and the character of detectives. The plot, character action and dialog have that sense of authenticity from the very beginning. He starts out the novel with a murder that draws us into the plot right away. And the action continues, practically nonstop. Coffin does a great job with the interactions and dialog among the policemen (and women).

My favorite part of the novel was Byron. He's a great flawed character. On the positive side, he is relentless in investigating a murder, no matter who in the department he irritates. On the negative side, he is fighting his addiction to alcohol and suffering through the loss of his marriage.

I really liked how the plot was developed. The murders of the ex-cops have their origin in a police event from years ago. Byron unravels the truth bit by bit as he pursues the facts of the case. He has a personal interest in the case since his father, also a policeman, committed suicide shortly after that police procedure years ago.

I recommend this novel to those who like an authentic police procedure novel full of suspense. I think readers of John Sandford and Michael Connelly would enjoy this book. It is a page turner that kept me reading way too late at night.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. Click here to view the 'Among the Shadows by Bruce Robert Coffin' Tour Participants. You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Bruce Robert Coffin is a former detective sergeant with more than twenty-seven years in law enforcement. At the time of his retirement from the Portland, Maine police department, he supervised all homicides and violent crime investigations for Maine's largest city. Following the terror attacks of September 11th, Coffin spent four years working counter-terrorism with the FBI, earning the Director's Award, the highest honor a non-agent can receive. You can catch up with Bruce Robert Coffin on his website, on Twitter, and on Facebook.

Book Details:
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Published by: Witness Impulse
Publication Date: September 13th, 2016
Number of Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780062569462
Series: Detective Byron #1
You can grab a copy of Among the Shadows on Amazon, at Barnes &Noble, or add it to your TBR list on GoodReads.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime book Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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