Friday, September 2, 2016

Catching Heat by Janice Cantore

This novel got off to a tad bit of a rough start for me. It is the third in a series and that becomes quickly evident. There is a great deal of back story necessary to understand the plot in this novel. There is so much back story necessary, the flow of action throughout the novel is interrupted many times with additional information. If you have not read the first two in this series, you may want to do so before reading this one.

The plot itself is complex. Detective Abby Hart has become part of the West Coast federal cold case squad, courtesy of a federal grant. She, along with Luke and Woody from previous novels, investigate two cold cases. Interwoven with those investigations is Abby's own desire to find evidence to nail the person who ordered the murder of her parents. The different plot lines all make sense (thanks to lots of back story on the murders of Abby's parents 22 years ago), but it does make for a complex novel.

There is a good deal of suspense in the novel as Abby pursues three murderers. There is also a couple of developing romances among those in the cold case unit. That surprised me a bit as I thought such romances within investigative units were frowned upon. While the suspense was good, it seems the focus of this novel was more on Abby and her thoughts on finally getting justice for her parents' deaths.

I liked Abby as a character. She is a gutsy policewoman, bristling at the idea she needs a man to protect her.

I recommend this book to those who enjoy character development along a series of novels. Do begin with the first in the series, however, or you will not appreciate all that Abby experiences in this novel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Janice Cantore was a police officer for 22 years, in a variety of assignments. She began writing novels in retirement. You can find out more at

Tyndale House 432 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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