Saturday, September 10, 2016

Color of Danger by Alexa Verde

Luke Goodman's fiancee was murdered by the Smiling Killer, so named because of the cuts made on the victim's mouths. The killer was supposed to have died a year ago in a fire but a recent murder showed the killer's signature cuts. Is the killer really still alive?

Luke has been keeping tabs on the killer's sister, Mari, who survived that fire. Now he is determined to find out all he can from her. Could she be harboring her killer brother? If so, Luke has got to stop him before more women die.

Mari has her own problems. Someone is stalking her and soon Luke takes on the role of protector. Questions remain in each of their minds as the suspense is heightened. Will there be enough trust between them to catch the killer before he strikes again?

I really like this suspenseful mystery taking place in a small southwestern Texas town. The plot flowed well and the characters were well developed. Both Mari and Luke had past issues that needed to be dealt with before they would work together. I liked the good balance of character development and action. There was some clever dialog too.

I recommend this novel to those who enjoy well thought out plot and characters. I found it engaging, keeping me reading intently to the end. I really liked how Mari and Luke had to overcome past pain to look toward the future. The Christian message is well presented and was refreshing.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can find links to other reviews as well as enter the contest and read an author interview here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Alexa Verde writes wholesome books about faith and murder. Since writing her firt literary masterpiece, a poem at age eight, She has had more than 200 short stories, articles and poems published in the five languages she speaks. She has bachelor's degrees in English and Spanish, and a master's in Russian. She has been a reporter, teacher, translator, model, caretaker, and secretary, but she loves writing the best. Home is a small town in south Texas, the inspiration for her series set in Rios Azules. You can find out more at, follow her on Twitter @AlexaVerde3 and Facebook,

Amazon Digital services, 198 pages. You can buy a copy here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit for the purpose of an independent and honest review. 

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