Friday, September 30, 2016

Experiencing God Through His Names by Sheryl Giesbrecht

Giesbrecht has crafted devotions for 31 days, each one centering on a name of God. She gives us information about the name, related Scripture references, and a prayer. Her desire is that readers would not only read the information but also use the devotion as an opportunity to experience God.

We learn about God as our provider, protector, sustainer, shepherd, sovereign, healer, and much more. Many of the names will be familiar to those who have read other works on God's names, such as El Roi, the God who sees. Giesbrecht recounts the story of Hagar and the use of the name, reminding us that God sees everything, knows everything, and understands everything. There are some names that might not be as familiar, such as El Olam, highlighting the eternal nature of God.

This is a good book for those who have not studied the names of God and the character traits they represent. The devotions are very readable and practical. Giesbrecht shares her own experiences, helping readers engage in the reality of experiencing God. She also includes a prayer with every devotion. The prayers are a practical way to put into practice incorporating God's character traits into daily faith.

The devotions are two to three pages long and are very encouraging. This book would be a good choice for a month long emphasis on God and His character traits. There are no passages to look up nor questions to answer so each devotion can be complete in a few minutes. It would be easy to apply the devotional to the various areas of life.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

Go here to enter a drawing to win one of ten copies the author is giving away.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Sheryl Giesbrecht is a radio personality, author, and speaker. She served as Focus on the Family's columnist for Pastor's Wives for four years. Her articles and devotions have appeared in many magazines. She also contributes to and is a regular blogger for BibleGateway and Lead Like Jesus. She is a missionary with International Christian Ministries and is the founder of Transformed Through Truth, Inc. She has a B.A. From Biola University, a master's in ministry and a doctorate in theology. You can find out more about her and her ministry at and

Bold Vision Books, 112 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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