Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sozo by Dawna De Silva and Teresa Liebscher

Sozo is the inner healing and deliverance ministry headquartered at Bethel Church in Redding, California. The co-leaders of the ministry have written this book to help believers remove the lies that block the gift of God's abundant life.

The authors explain that the gospel is more than salvation from hell. Believers are to have freedom, power, and love now. They explain the meaning of sozo, the essential nature of a strong relationship with God, forgiveness and healing wounds from the past, getting rid of lies and replacing them with the truth, closing the doors that allow demonic oppression, practicing discernment, and more.

The authors have included a number of examples of sessions with sozo team members, including dialog and prayers. They explain the steps of the various aspects of the ministry so readers can go through the healing process themselves. Included at the end of each chapter are discussion questions, specific steps of action to take, and a suggestions for further reading.

The authors remind us that we are engaged in a spiritual war. This book helps Christians to be participants in combating evil on a personal level. Readers must be willing to seek truth from God and accept it. We are also reminded that when we receive healing, it is our responsibility to walk it out.

I recommend this book to Christians who want to know more about inner healing and deliverance. These ministries can seem scary and the authors have done a great job of explaining how it is done, including specific steps for readers. I highly recommend that this book be read within a group. The wisdom and insight of others while reading the book and following the steps would provide encouragement and protection.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Dawna De Silva is the founder and co-leader of the International Bethel Sozo Ministry. She and her husband have ministered at Bethel for the last twenty years.
Teresa Liebscher is the co-leader of the Bethel Sozo ministry headquartered at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. She is also the founder and leader of the Shabar ministry. She travels the world training, mentoring and ministering in both the Sozo and Shabar ministries.

Destiny Image, 176 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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