Monday, September 5, 2016

Winning Plays by Matt Mayberry

The most successful people are also the biggest failures, Mayberry says. That's because failures are really just an effort to move forward and they provide lessons learned.

With that introduction, the former linebacker with the Chicago Bears shows how he made it through failures and motivated himself in the difficult times of life. He shares strategies he has been using for the last ten years.

He was a drug addict at 16. Finally realizing his condition, he cried out to God. He was determined to turn his life around, working at it continuously. He won a scholarship to Indiana University and had an award winning career in their football program. He was passed over in the 2010 draft, became a free agent and signed with the Bears. He had a career ending injury in a preseason game. His dream was over.

Mayberry's book is a great encouragement for those who have seen their dreams shattered. Mayberry initially did not know what to do and went into depression. He was asked to speak at a youth event and that changed his life. He had found his God given calling. Now he encourages others to reach their potential.

This is not only an inspiring story but the book is full of practical encouragement and suggestions for developing a dream, setting goals, visualizing, staying focused, and overcoming adversity. He emphasizes the importance of the mindset and has good suggestions on keeping the mind sharply focused. This is a good book for someone who is ready to move forward, creating their own game plan. There are good suggestions at the end of each chapter as well as tips and ideas throughout the text. He even has a list of books for additional inspiration.

I recommend this book to those who want to dream and plan. But, as Mayberry points out, you also have to be ready for hard work and self-discipline. You have to be relentless in the pursuit to achieve your goals.

Food for thought: “No matter what you're doing, always, always, do your best.” (203)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Matt Mayberry is a highly acclaimed keynote speaker and performance strategist. A former Indiana University and Chicago Bears linebacker, Matt is one of the most widely-read columnists for, where he writes on peak performance, overcoming adversity, leadership, and motivation. Matt's work has been featured on ESPN, Forbes, Huffington Post, ABC, NBC, Fox Business, Fox News, Business Insider, and MSN Lifestyle. As the CEO of Matt Mayberry Enterprises, he helps individuals and organizations all over the world to maximize their potential to achieve breakthrough performance. Find out more at

Center Street, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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