Monday, October 10, 2016

He Knows Your Name by Linda Znachko

Znachko never imagined that God would heal her by sending her to help carry the pain of others. “I encountered grace and was transformed,” she writes. (11)

It started with the news headline of a baby's body being found in a dumpster. Znachko's heart was stirred to inquire about a burial, something every child deserved.

That was the beginning of what came to be He Knows Your Name Ministries and a changed life for Znachko. She tells many heart tugging stories of helping families honor their loved ones who have died. An example is providing the stone for a family whose son drowned in a swimming pool. Znachko met with the family and invited the mother to study the Bible. Ultimately that led to providing swimming lessons to young people in the community.

Some of the stories may be hard to read, especially for those who have lost a child. It was encouraging to read how others came to help Znachko, providing items needed and also being present at memorials.

Znachko's ministry is unusual but her message is important. “It has always been my prayer,” she writes, “that He knows Your Name would become unnecessary as Christ's body cares for its members who are hurting and needing healing.” (168) That is the challenge this book presents. Is there a need in your community where you and others can help and care for those in need? Reading this book and seeing Znachko's example of responding to God's prompting will encourage you.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Linda Znachko is the founder of He Knows Your Name Ministries. She is a popular speaker at conferences and retreats, and has been interviewed regularly by media.

Kregel, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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