Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson

In her first book (Made for More), Anderson explored what it means to be made in God's image. Now she looks at how we live out our identity, humbly dependent on God.

Humility frees us to be the people God created us to be. Anderson explores our dependence on God, how humility informs our daily choices, how the rest that Jesus offers comes when we humble ourselves and submit to Him. She also looks at how humility changes how we think about ourselves and that humility teaches us how to use our gifts. She also includes a good section on the fight against pride.

There is some good teaching in this book but I was distracted by all the writing about tomatoes, honey, herbs, milkweed, heirloom apples and more. The stories from Anderson's own experiences were used as illustrations. That's fine except that the illustrations were very long stories. I know more about tomatoes than I ever wanted.

This is a good book and I recommend it. Each of us needs to be reminded of the essential nature of humility. This book is not a quick fix. Anderson says cultivating humility is a life long journey. I did not find any discussion questions in the galley I read. It would be a real plus if you liked gardening as you read much about it in this book.

Food for thought: “When we are consumed with God's glory, we forget to worry about our own.” And, “Humility is accurately understanding ourselves and our place in the world.”

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Hannah Anderson is the wife of a rural pastor in Virginia. The mother of three, she has contributed to many periodicals and has one previous book. You can find out more at

Moody, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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